Liberty Matters
Critical thinking applied to history, economics, and politics
We Americans are losing our liberty because we have neglected the lessons of history. This site offers free books and essays in history and economics without propaganda or sideshow diversions. The latest addition is "The Control and Manipulation of Money", a complete financial and economic history of the U. S. Other subjects include the Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, the Federalist Papers, student loan debt, and the type of cautionary common sense that is no longer taught in the schools. See also the "Solar Energy Estimator" to see if solar panels are economically viable in your area.
Recent Essays
- Reveals the historical context of the era through an extensive chronology of significant events from the pre-Revolutionary period through the ratification of the Constitution.- Summarizes the main reason for the failure of the Articles of Confederation as a suitable federative government in the post war period- Paragraph-by paragraph outline of the structure of the arguments presented by the authors of The Federalist Papers- Full text of the Aricles of Confederation and the Constitution (as amended)- Cross-reference between the Federalist and The Constitution- Fully indexed
A reprint of the Federalist Papers, with additional paragraph numbers cross-referenced to the Federalist Companion.
This book reviews the various student loan programs, and describes a method by which the student can assess the affordability of a student loan based on the type of degree and type of occupation. It contains initial income data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for many occupations. A unique nomographic method shows both the monthly payments based on the amount borrowed and term, along with some rules for what fraction of the expected income should be devoted to repaying the loan, including the effect of taxes.
Now that you've completed your formal education, you are ready for an entrance exam into the real world. The exam consists of 101 relevant questions you may be faced with on any given day. It is very different from the textbooks you've been exposed to so far. This book consists of two volumes: volume 1 contains the questions and volume 2 contains the answers. All questions are "multiple guess" for your convenience.
Now available as an ebook and softcover at Barnes & Noble and other online book stores
NEW: Second edition now available. This book consists of two parts. Part one addresses basic economics, including wealth, money, prices, labor, rent, capital, taxation, inequality, the banking system, the effects of monetary depreciation (inflation) with historical examples, and expansions and contractions. Part two is a financial and economic history of the United States from 1775 to 2020, including money supply, the banking systems, U. S. government revenue and expenditures, U. S. national debt, coinage, banking system condition statements, CPI, median income, and standard of living index, and significant monetary and financial legislation since 1787.
Now available in softcover at Barnes & Noble and other online book stores.
The solar energy estimator is a simple Excel model that permits the user to: a) evaluate the amount of electricity generated by a solar panel system; b) determine the electric utility costs avoided by doing so; and c) calculate the return on investment. It is fully documented to show the importance of location, atmosphere type, and siting (geometry). It is free, and may be used for any non-commercial purpose.
Historical Essays contains a wide variety of relevant commentaries, including: the history of the American Revolution, Defects of the Articles of Confederation, the "three-fifths rule", the failed Continental and assignat currencies, the U. S. national debt, financial condition of Social Security, gun control, immigration reform, the welfare system, the IRS, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and many more.
Now available as an ebook and softcover at Barnes & Nobles and other online book strores.